Andrea Rentea, MD
Dr. Rentea specializes in integrative medicine, specifically Anthroposophic Medicine, a comprehensive form of complementary and alternative medicine that takes into account the Body, Soul and Spirit nature of the Human Being. She has been engaged in family practice in Chicago for over 30 years.
Dr. Rentea graduated from the prestigious Chicago Medical School (now the Rosalind Franklin University), in 1975, and after her residency in Chicago she spent four years at various European clinics studying anthroposophic/complementary medicine. Together with her husband Ross Rentea MD she opened the Paulina Medical Clinic in the Spring of 1983.Over the years Dr. Rentea has continued her medical education considerably beyond the requirements mandated by law. She has attended hundreds of post graduate courses in a multitude of holistic medical fields and developed proficiency in homeopathy; chelation therapy; energetic medicine; injection therapies; advanced laboratory analyses; use of natural remedies; and more. She is Board Certified in Anthroposophic Medicine. She specializes in women’s concerns and children’s problems, both physical and emotional. She is an experienced holistic physician practicing with bio-hormones in Chicago and proud to concentrate on women’s health care needs. her other interests include diagnosis and treatment of problem children. After more than 30 years in practice she is one the best known doctors practicing complementary medicine in the Chicago area. Patients that come to the clinic are delighted to find not just a “homeopathic medical doctor in the Chicago area” or a “holistic medical doctor in the Chicago area” but a well rounded physician that respects the entire whole patient. .
She is a Board member of the American College for Anthroposophic Medicine, member of the Physicians’ Association for Anthrop. Medicine and member of the Anthroposophical Society.
She is a co-founder of the Illinois Homeopathic Medical Association. She is recognized by her peers as a leader in the emerging field of complementary medicine. Characteristic for her is also that she received a “Compassionate Doctor Award” from the Gold Foundation.
Outside her practice her additional activities include consulting to various Waldorf Schools on the medical needs and handling of difficult children. She is giving lectures in training seminars and workshops for professional and lay groups. He has given in depth workshops in several States in the US and in several countries in Europe.
Following a long standing interest in researching ways for creating new pharmaceutical quality natural remedies Dr. Rentea co-founded the True Botanica Company. The company goal is to create the most safe and effective full spectrum products possible that work harmoniously on body, mind and spirit. The formulas are designed by uniting the best that nature has to offer, with the latest emerging modern nutritional technology. In a significant breakthrough the company is now offering “validated” homeopathic/ anthroposophic remedies-a worldwide first. A major inspiration for these health products comes from the insights given by the scientist Rudolf Steiner, PhD.
Dr. Rentea is also Co-founder and Secretary of the Kolisko Institute for Anthroposophical Medicine a non-profit organization for education, research and social activities in the anthroposophic health care field. Presently a laboratory is being built to conduct continuing research into the demonstration of the validity of anthroposophic/homeopathic remedies.
She lives with her husband in Chicago and is happy that her four adult daughters are all in the Midwest and have strong interests and accomplishments in the health care field.