Dr. Sorina Rentea
I have joined the Paulina Medical Clinic after graduating from the National University of Health Sciences as a Dr. of Chiropractic Medicine, DC. Prior to that I had obtained a BS degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign campus.
I practice using both intense manual adjustments as well as teaching corrective exercises for maintaining a pain-free and optimally functioning well being.
Here are some effective techniques I specialize in:
- The Craniosacral Method;
- The Directional Skin Dragging;
- The Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS);
- The Kaufman Pain Neutralization Technique;
- The McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy;
- The Functional Movement Enhancing through Rock Taping;
I am able to daily demonstrate to patients–both adults and children–that great success in relieving both chronic and acute conditions can be accomplished by the regular application of targeted chiropractic techniques.
Here are some examples from the daily work (Minor changes are given in the histories in order to protect privacy. Not all patients react so promptly but it is important to see that profound changes can occur.):
- This patient came in with severe sinus pressure and pounding headaches. A CT scan confirmed mucus in the sinuses and inflammation. Conventional therapy including long courses of antibiotics failed to take care of her problem. After only one session of craniosacral adjustment the patient reported that the pounding in her head was gone and the pressure was considerably diminished behind her eyes.
- This patient came in with a generalized neck pain for over 10 years. After 4 visits of both chiropractic manipulation and craniosacral treatment the pain disappeared completely and had not returned at follow-up.
- An elderly patient was brought to the clinic after having had a hip replacement that left the patient unable to walk unassisted for over 6 years. The patient could not take more than a few steps without a walker while all the time having persistent pain. After being treated several times with the pain neutralization technique the patient was able to walk freely and pain-free along the cord or without any assistance or walker.
- This patient came in after a seemingly trivial accident in the house which left her however unable to lift even the lightest objects without experiencing severe neck pain radiating down the arms. After being treated several times with the McKenzie and the pain neutralization technique she was able to regain normal grip and lifting strength.
- This patient had severe neck pain radiating down the left shoulder into the elbow and feeling like a band that caused hand tingling that essentially never went away. The patient was treated in 1 single session with the McKenzie method and craniosacral release. At the end of the visit the patient reported, rather astounded, that she had indeed felt the neck pain release and that for the first time she had no more pain and abnormal feelings in the hand.
- This patient came in because she was having severe bouts of anxiety that had failed to respond first to a treatment with herbal remedies and then with conventional antianxiety drugs. She was continuing to have episodes of palpitations, nausea, sweaty palms and out of the body sensation. After only one treatment with the parasympathetic protocol of the pain neutralization technique and craniosacral adjustment the patient reported that she felt “almost high” since all her symptoms had disappeared.
- This patient came in with severe left knee pain and unable to walk up the stairs and unable to cross her legs. She had seen an orthopedic surgeon who presumed that she had a torn left meniscus and advised her to have an operation to shave down the meniscus. He opined that without the operation she would need to continue to live with the pain unchanged. On the first visit rocktape was applied to the left knee and additional chiropractic manipulations were performed. The patient returns for follow-up 1 week later and reported that her knee pain had disappeared completely, that and that she could bend her leg better than ever before.
In chiropractic treatment the whole person is comprehensively addressed. One never ceases to be amazed at how patients respond when as a consequence of a very localized manipulation to a specific part of the body feelings are noticed connected to either other completely remote parts of the body or that sensations and changes in the soul life are perceived in very often spatially far removed parts of the body or even positive changes in the spiritual life in thinking or in memories are noted.
Due to the existing services at the Paulina Medical Clinic patients can avail themselves of a truly “holistic healing program” where a combination of natural medical treatment protocols can be combined with the chiropractic techniques.
I am grateful to the patients who come to see me and I am happy to see them progressing to a better health.