(More information in the various recent posts in the Cancer Category)
(More Information also under Services> Cancer Guidelines)
Dear Patients,
When it comes to cancer care we concentrate on the treatment with mistletoe (viscum album).
The mistletoe is arguably the most studied complementary treatment used in cancer care. In many hundreds clinical studies and laboratory experiments benefits such as:
- tumor cell killing effects,
- significant improvement of survival time,
- increased quality of life, and
- additional strengthening of the immune system have been shown while essentially no side effects are reported. The accompanying rise in body temperature, local reactions in the place where an injection was given, occasional headache or rare dizziness are wanted and indicate a stronger effectiveness.
Crude extracts of Mistletoe have been used for centuries for treatment of high blood pressure, infertility, nervous conditions, headaches, etc. These extracts are available in health food stores and online. They are, however, ineffective in cancer care.
Only those mistletoe preparations that have undergone specific multiple pharmacological manufacturing steps have been shown to have anti cancer actions.
The companies that follow the intricate steps needed to isolate the active anti cancer ingredients (lectins and viscotoxins) of the mistletoe extracts and to elicit an influence on the life force of the human body are situated mostly in Central Europe (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). Among them most famous are Abnoba (maker of the abnobaViscum), Hiscia (maker of the Iscador mistletoe), Helixor (maker of Helixor mistletoe), WALA (maker of Iscucin) and others.
These formulations are suited for injectable and IV administration.
The doctors at the Paulina Medical Clinic in cooperation with the research teams at the Kolisko Institute, www.koliskoinstitute.org, have recently developed a new form of oral mistletoe drops that are made in similar fashion to the injectable material and are suited for both the cancer care and the support of the mental/soul processes of the patients.
Brief introduction to our work with the mistletoe extracts:
Andrea and I began our never ending interest in the mistletoe therapy already while in our respective medical schools (1975). (I was happy to have an experimental study on the effect of mistletoe on the thymus gland (immune system) accepted for publication (see below).
After completing our hospital residency programs in the US we went to Europe where we trained in advanced mistletoe therapy with pioneering experts in the field.
Since opening the Paulina Medical Clinic in 1983 the mistletoe therapy has been a consistent part of the advice we give patients seeking a complete cancer care.
More than 10 years ago we have, together with other colleagues, established the Kolisko Institute, www.koliskoinstitute.org, where we conduct experiments for deepening the understanding of the effectiveness of the mistletoe. We offer also and publish other webinars, hold conferences, etc.
After in depth research work in the laboratory (followed by clinical confirmation) we can say that the oral drops of potentized mistletoe are meeting their promise. We hope that adding them to our protocols will significantly improve the overall success rate of the mistletoe therapy. Please see below some of the research articles that have been accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals in the year 20224 and one ready for publication for 2025.
Additional articles on our work with the potentized mistletoe extracts can also be found on the Kolisko Institute website under mistletoe.
Our current protocol for cancer care consists of:
- a careful assessment of the individual needs;
- a triple administration of European mistletoe (injections, IV and oral drops);
- a targeted supplementation to work synergistically with the mistletoe administration;
- a cancer-oriented laboratory testing
Wishing you all the best in your better health quest,
R. Rentea MD
Below please see some articles related to the subject – many more could be added from the vast available literature.
- abnobaViscum (mistletoe) ~200 citations of articles
- Frequently Asked Questions in Mistletoe Therapy
- Iscador Injection Instructions
- Bladder cancer
- Abnoba Gründemann-Viscum-album-neutralizes-24.08.2017-1
- abnoba on 562
- anti inflammatory activity
- anti proliferative effects
- antiangiogenic viscum
- anti proliferative of aqueous mistletoe
- Biological activity of mistletoe- in vitro and in vivo studies and mechanisms of action VIP
- bladder cancer
- mistletoe targets drug resistance in lung
- breast cancer
- Burkhart2010 cyclophosphomide
- cholangiocarcinoma in dog
- cox 2 inhibition
- Dandelion and viscum
- dendritic cells
- fatigue
- gastric carcinoma
- glioma boost
- glioma
- Helixor_digital_Compendium_20160413_lowres (2)
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- hom tx may improve QoL in lung cancer
- Homoeopathic extract inhibits the growth of osteosarcoma cells
- Immunological response to mistletoe Viscum album L in cancer patients a
- interaction between viscum and Trastuzumab
- Intl Journal of Cancer – 2003 – Ernst – Mistletoe for cancer
- intra tumoral pancreas
- intravenous mistletoe treatment
- Iscador absence of tumor growth !
- Iscador -Baumgartner
- iscador histologisch gesicherte heilung
- Iscador inhibits sen in MCF 7
- IV safety study Germany
- JH Study 2023
- kienle-kiene-2018-review-article-influence-of-viscum-album-l-european-mistletoe-extracts-on-quality-of-life-in-cancer
- liver cancer
- lung viscum
- meduloblastoma
- melanom fieber
- minimizing side effects
- mistletoe adverse reaction lymphoma
- mistletoe targets drug resistance in lung
- Mistletoe_therapy_for_human_cancer__the_role of NK cells
- NK mediation
- pancreas survival
- New Uses of an Oral Form of Mistletoe – Viscum album 25X
- 1980 Iscador a Summary Review ~1980’s
- 1986 Oncology Journal – 10 Studies on Mistletoe and Cancer
- 1997 Mistletoe Beyond Magic and Mysticism
- 1998 Iscador Book
- 2001 Iscador in Cancer Treatment
- 2001 Mistletoe for Cancer
- 2001 Rational Mstletoe Therapy Book
- 2001 Use of Iscador in Matched Pairs Sudy
- 2001Changes in WBC’s after Viscum administration
- 2002 Absence of Tumor Growth with Iscador
- 2003 Mistletoe improves Breast Cancer Treatment
- 2003 Weleda Iscador
- 2004 Iscador in Breast Cancer Study
- 2005 Iscador and Malignant Melanoma
- 2014 Comprehensive Iscador (Iscar) documentation
- 2014 Evaluation of Preclinical Assays
- 2014Interaction of Viscum album with chemotherapeutic drugs
- 2015 Pancreatic Cancer supportive Care with Iscador
- 2019 Viscum and Renal Cell Carcinoma
- New Aqueous Extracts of the Mistletoe (Viscum Album L.) Plant, Diminish In Vitro Cell Proliferation of The NSCLC Cell Line with EGFR Mutations HCC 827
Non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutations continues to be a vexing problem due to the ability of the cancer to rapidly develop drug resistance. In vitro studies with the non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma cell line HCC827 (with an acquired mutation in the EGFR tyrosine kinase domain, E746 – A750 deletion) are relevant to the finding of increasingly effective treatments. Pharmaceutically processed, extracts of mistletoe, Viscum album Loranthaceae, have been shown since the 1920’s to have potential in cancer therapy. They are currently the most frequently used natural preparations in complementary cancer treatments. In this pilot study we demonstrate that newly prepared standardized extractions of mistletoe (Viscum album, L.), from different host trees, are shown to significantly diminish the cell proliferation of the HCC 827 cell line.
Authors: R. Rentea, M.Kamsler, M. Mueller
DOI: 10.19080/CTOIJ.2023.25.556160
- Therapeutic applications of Viscum Robinia RK 30X
The spiritual significance of the robinia tree and the mistletoe (Viscum album L.) growing on the robinia tree can be better understood if the anthroposophic interpretation supported by botany, mythology and other healing systems is considered. Viscum Robinia Kolisko (RK) in its potentized form, dispensed orally, has been found helpful to strengthen the soul life of those patients who have lost faith in the possibility of healing, are overcome by worries, cannot let go of previous trauma, feel unable to go on and to persevere in spite of life’s challenges. This soul condition is frequently connected to digestive disturbances. Five clinical cases are presented.
Authors: R. Rentea, M.Kamsler
- Evidence that High and Ultra-high Diluted Extracts of the anti-tumor active Mistletoe (Viscum Album ) Plant Inhibit but may also Stimulate in Vitro Cell Proliferation of K562 Leukemia Cells
Mistletoe extracts are widely used in Central Europe, as well as world-wide, as an adjuvant cancer therapy. In the laboratory, high doses of mistletoe extracts are largely considered to be uniformly inhibiting on cell proliferation in vitro. Some controversy has arisen however whether low doses of mistletoe extracts can be also stimulating and thus whether clinical low doses of mistletoe should be more cautiously administered in a clinical setting. We provide evidence that not only low but also highly and ultra-highly diluted extracts of mistletoe can both inhibit as well as stimulate in vitro cell proliferation.
DOI: 10.19080/CTOIJ.2024.25.556204
- Rhythmical behavior of ultra-high potencies of substances in cell cultures
Research in the hormetic field has demonstrated a bi -phasic dose response in substances such that a high dose of a substance being inhibiting/toxic can have an opposite effect at a low dose where it becomes stimulating. Hormesis confines itself to measurable levels of the substances/stressors. However, homeopathic research has shown that these bi-phasic enantiodromic effects of substances occur even at ultra -high dilutions (potencies), beyond log 24. In 1923 R. Steiner and L. Kolisko demonstrated a new phenomenon in which the enantiodromic effects alternate semi-sinusoidally between inhibiting and stimulating activities. We have studied this phenomenon in several substances in cell cultures, confirm Kolisko’s and R. Steiner’s findings and discuss the significance of this rhythmical phenomenon. The mechanistic explanation is still to be elucidated but anthroposophical insights give a path to a more comprehensive understanding.
Authors: R. Rentea, M.Kamsler, M. Mueller
- Moon transits against the backdrop of different sidereal constellations affect the growth of various in vitro cell cultures: a pilot study
Multiple scientific studies have reported that the lunisolar gravitational forces causing tidal accelerations on the Earth influence the physiology and behavior of diverse life forms through embedded genetic timers. These cyclical clocks are also influenced by the periodic light changes of the Moon phases. Aside from experimentation with simulated star light no connection has been demonstrated in the natural environment to the far planets or stars. An exception to this constitutes the work of M. Thun who in decades of observations demonstrated that Moon transits through sidereal constellations can affect vegetable crops. We hypothesized that cell cultures would behave similarly to plants and would show an enhanced growth/proliferation when the Moon transited some constellations and not through others. K562 and HCC827 cells were cultured for 72 hours. The results confirmed that when the cell cultures were started on days when the Moon was in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces the cell proliferation was significantly increased compared to the proliferation when the cell cultures were started on days when the Moon was in the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn constellations. We attempt an explanation for this phenomenon that hypothesizes that embedded genetic star responsive timers occur in individual cells.
Razvan Rentea, Mark Kamsler, Andrea Rentea, Malory Mueller
Accepted for publication in the Merkurstab Journal for February 2025