Natural Treatment of Vertigo

Vertigo/ Dizziness/ Light Headed

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Useful OTC remedies:

Glandula Suprarenalis (Adrenal) 6xPhysical and/or emotional exhaustion
Antimonium crudum 6xWhen the metabolic forces predominate; a state of constant somnolence accompanies the light
headedness; the nervous system needs to be
Argentum nitricum 6xAssociated with claustrophobia
Arnica 6x, 30xPost trauma, post shock
Arsenicum 6xLightheadedness accompanied by a sense of tiredness; refreshes the astral body
Aurum 30xDizziness and inability to hold on to thoughts; a general sense of cardiovascular imbalance
Belladonna 30xAccompanied by a sclerotic tendency; cramped soul life
Bryonia 6xAggravated by motion (motion sickness), postural vertigo when going to upright position
Carbo 30xAir hunger
China 6xWith ringing in the ears in people that are tired, who have lost a lot of energy through travel, illness, anemia, loss of body fluids, etc
Conium maculatum 30xPositional vertigo when lying down and turning
Cuprum 6x, 30xHypertension
Ferrum met 6x, 30xAnemia
Gelsemium 6xAssociated with visual disorders and trembling
Lachesis 30xLeft sided symptoms, improvement after bowel movement or copious urination; claustrophobia or feeling of constriction
Mercurius 30xSpiraling feeling; labyrinthitis
Natrium muriaticum 30xIn individuals with pronounced salt cravings
Phosphorus 30xWhen the Ego needs strengthening such as after emotional shock; improves "in-breathing"
Plumbum mel 30xWhen vertigo or lightheadedness is an early sign of arteriosclerosis
Silicea 30xAccompanied by stinging, prickly feelings especially in the abdomen; dry mucous membranes
Stannum met 30xNeurological complaints; arthritic complaints in neck area
Strophanthus kombe 6xStress, cardiac complaints
Sulfur 30xIn overeaters; drowsy and lightheaded after a meal

Directions for Use (For potentized remedies, general principles):

Globules: For best results place globules under the tongue for 30 seconds. Adults-3-5 globules 3 times a day. Children 2-12 years-1-3 globules 3 times a day. Under 2 years, consult your doctor. Use until symptoms are relieved or as directed by your health care provider. For acute use 3-5 globules can be taken every half hour several times (as directed or until symptoms resolved). If need to be taken
chronically once a day is appropriate. For specific cases follow the instructions on the product label.

Liquids: instructions same as above; 1 globule=2 drops

Nutritional Supplements/Topical Remedies

Blackthorn TonicWeak cardiovascular system
Hawthorn PlusWeak heart causes dizziness when exerting oneself
Melissa (lemon balm in Clear & Calm)Lightheadedness accompanied by anxiety, restlessness; psychogenic
Neck OilNeck complaints
Real Arnica OilTopical help after trauma causing vertigo
Recovery TonicWeakness after illness
5M Trace MineralsGeneral over all remedy to help the spiritual organization incarnate better into the lower organization

Directions for use: follow instructions on the product label.

Ross Rentea MD

The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice, diagnosis and treatment from qualified health care providers. The information and content 
have not been reviewed or approved by the FDA.

Ross Rentea MD is Medical Director at the Paulina Medical Clinic and responsible for R &D at the True Botanica company. 

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