Natural Treatment for Memory Loss and Blood Vessel Stiffening

– An Anthroposophic Approach –

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Several recent studies have shown that there is a correlation between a general stiffening of the walls of arterial blood vessels and so called cognitive impairment-disturbances in thinking, memory, etc.

In the Journal of Medicine, Clinical Neurology and Internal Medicine Volume 32, Number 3 / 2012, the authors review existing studies and point out that there is mounting evidence that consistently implicates arterial stiffness as a cause for impaired cognitive function and dementia in the elderly. The majority (85%) of the twelve studies comprising over 6,000 individuals found a significant association between increased vascular stiffness and cognitive impairment. Some data support the proposition that arterial stiffness causes a progression from normal cognitive function to mild cognitive impairment, to Alzheimer’s disease, and
then to vascular dementia.

In another article, Della Morte et al, (“Metabolic syndrome increases carotid artery stiffness: The Northern Manhattan Study”, in the International Journal of Stroke, Volume 5, Issue 3, pages 138–144, June 2010) the authors point out that the metabolic syndrome is significantly associated with increased carotid artery stiffness. This is in general associated with a dysfunction of the innermost wall of the blood vessel, the endothelial layer. Increasingly this phenomenon is considered to be the beginning of the sequence ultimately leading to cholesterol deposits and the so called atherosclerosis.

Finally, Scutteri et al, (in High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention March 2007, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp 33-37), point out that stiffening of large arteries is one of the prominent and typical features of aging and is more remarkable in proximal elastic arteries than in the peripheral muscular arteries. This stiffening was the single strongest predictor of cognitive decline and was an independent risk factor aside from age, sex, education and traditional cardiovascular risk factors.

It is the great insight of Rudolf Steiner to point out already in the 1920’s that origin of the cardiovascular atherosclerotic changes are truly “sclerotic” first and not inflammatory first as is generally assumed today. The Ego allows a “drying” process to occur; allows deposits to form; allows an overall “cramping” to happen, i.e. the Stiffening described above. He points out that the early manifestations of this process are memory impairment, slight dizziness, and balance disturbance – exactly the early signs of arterial stiffening observed in the modern studies.

Rudolf Steiner suggests a fundamental approach that would go directly to the cause of the problem. This is the Plumbum mel 30x mentioned below. It helps the Ego to engage in a more active way in overcoming its “sclerotic” tendencies. (More information in his book “Fundamentals of Therapy”, written with Ita Wegman.)

A few of the other natural substances known to improve the endothelial dysfunction by reducing the oxidation in the endothelial layer are mentioned here. The quality of the formulas is essential in achieving the therapeutic goal.

Useful OTC remedies:

Plumbum mel 30xMade according to a Rudolf Steiner formula; helps the Ego to fight sclerotic processes and sclerosis inducing deposits.
Belladonna 30xFights overall sclerosis, hardening processes such as may occur also in glaucoma, stone formation, and in the soul processes.
Cuprum 30xInduces a relaxing, warming tendency. Increases flexibility. Opposes the "saturnine", sclerotic effects.

Directions for Use (For potentized remedies, general principles):

Globules: For best results place globules under the tongue for 30 seconds. Adults-3-5 globules 3 times a day. Children 2-12 years-1-3 globules 3 times a day. Under 2 years, consult your doctor. Use until symptoms are relieved or as directed by your health care provider. For acute use 3-5 globules can be taken every half hour several times (as directed or until symptoms resolved). If need to be taken
chronically once a day is appropriate. For specific cases follow the instructions on the product label.

Liquids: instructions same as above; 1 globule=2 drops

Nutritional Supplements/Topical Remedies:

Berberine PlusImproves endothelial function
Vital Mind AMImproves cognition
Vital Mind PMImproves vascular flow.
Curcumin PlusImproves endothelial function.

Directions for use: follow instructions on the product label.

Ross Rentea MD
The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice, diagnosis and treatment from qualified health care providers. The information and content have not been reviewed or approved by the FDA.

Ross Rentea MD is Medical Director at the Paulina Medical Clinic and responsible for R &D at the True
Botanica company.

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