Natural Asthma Treatment

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Useful OTC remedies:

Alumina 30xAlumina 30x Dry mucous membranes (the pathology of clay is that it dries)
Antimonium crudum 30XWheezing and hacking cough after scare, shock as a sign that the Ego (Ego structure) is weak and easily impressionable
Argentum nitricum 6xNitrogen governs the astral body. Remedy helps when claustrophobic feelings of many types are present
Arsenicum 6x, 30x R. Steiner: stimulates the activity of the astral body in the bronchi and thus removes hindrances to expiration
Belladonna 30xInflammations but especially when the soul can’t let go of “Hurts”
Berberis vulgaris 30xAnti- inflammatory and astringent to mucous membranes especially when the pathology sits below the diaphragm and
causes swollen mucous membranes in the respiratory tract
Bryonia 6xDry cough
Bryophyllum 6xCalming for the entire constitution. Helpful for both mother and
child when they arrive agitated to the doctor
Calc carb 30xAllows the astral body to enter appropriately into the etheric body; helpful in out-breathing
Carbo betulae 30xR. Steiner: when air hunger is present
Cinis Radix Comp 30xR. Steiner: ashes are important in normalizing breathing
Cinnabar Pyrite 6xInflammations of the respiratory tract, especially pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis
Cuprum CreamOn the kidney area to both help the kidney and lessen spasms
Cuprum met 6x, 30xAnti -spasmodic, renal help
Drosera 6xWhooping cough like symptoms
Elderberry Thyme SyrupFlus and colds remedy
Formica acidum 6xAllows the astral body to connect more appropriately to the
Gelsemium 6xDuring flus, colds helps expectoration
Gentian TinctureR. Steiner: gentian helps with all breathing processes. New
findings reveal that the trachea contains bitter substances receptors that when activated relieve asthma
Glandula Suprarenalis (Adrenal) 6xThe adrenal needs some help in most asthmatics, no comments needed
Juglans regia 30xR. Steiner: the walnut forms a perfect similarity to the astral body of the lungs
Lobelia inflate 6xPainful breathing
Lung Root Menthol/LemonIndispensable for mucous clearing, fighting infections that lead to an asthmatic attack
Mercurius 30xRegulates the amount of mucous secretions
Phosphorus 6x, 30xGoverns all in breathing processes
Sinus ReliefAnti allergy: contains quince, lemon, berberis, oak bark
Stannum met 30xGoverns all rhythmical processes in the body, especially the lungs, especially in children

Directions for Use (For potentized remedies, general principles):

Globules: For best results place globules under the tongue for 30 seconds.Adults-3-5 globules 3 times a day. Children 2-12 years-1-3 globules 3 times a day. Under 2 years, consult your doctor. Use until symptoms are relieved or as directed by your health care provider. For acute use 3-5 globules can be taken every half hour several times (as directed or until symptoms resolved). If need to be taken
chronically once a day is appropriate. For specific cases follow the instructions on the product label.

Liquids: instructions same as above; 1 globule=2 drops

Nutritional Supplements/Topical Remedies

Lung RootMucous clearing, bronchitis, colds
Boswellia 3KProbably the most important asthma remedy. Proven to relieve
both acute and chronic asthmatic problem. (R. Steiner: warming, anti –inflammatory; Mechanistically: like Singulair;)

Directions for use: follow instructions on the product label.

Ross Rentea MD
The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice, diagnosis and treatment from qualified health care providers. The information and content
have not been reviewed or approved by the FDA.

Ross Rentea MD is Medical Director at the Paulina Medical Clinic and responsible for R &D at the True Botanica company.

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