What is Anthroposophic Medicine (AM)
AM is based on the pioneering work of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, a researcher and teacher of science and spirit, working closely with many physicians including Dr. Ita Wegman, anthroposophical medicine has a long history as an extension of conventional allopathic medicine. It is based on the understanding that the Human Being is an individuality having a threefold nature of Body, Soul and Spirit. Wellbeing and healing are complete only when the needs of all three parts of the constitution are satisfied. it recognizes the deep connection that exists between the human being and nature. It takes into account the individual destiny that shapes each one’s life, and leads both to challenges and to their overcoming. It is practiced by conventionally trained medical doctors who combine orthodox medical treatment with breakthrough practices that include novel potentized remedies (partially used also in homeopathy) and new forms of extractions from mineral and herbal materials. Therapies also include health promotion through new diet principles, life style attitudes, and new movement exercises (therapeutic eurythmy), new massage forms, and other artistic therapies like painting, etc. It always keeps in mind the importance of the care for soul and spirit which are weaving through the physical processes together shaping the Destiny in health and illness. Anthroposophic Medicine can thus truly be called the most comprehensive form of holistic, complementary or integrative medicine.
AM is practiced in the US by licensed physicians in various specialties. To be Certified in Anthroposophic Medicine a physician has to be both in good moral and professional standing in aconventioanl way and in addition have undergone a rigorous training and examination in the specifics of AM.
Worldwide there are thousands of physicians practicing AM in hospitals, private practices, research centers and private offices and clinics.
For additional information on AM and/or anthroposophical activities please see
Rudolf Steiner
That the creative work and worldviews of R. Steiner are not known by everybody and that his accomplishments are not universally recognized is one of the mysteries of our contemporary culture. Here are just some of aspects worthy of note:
- His collected works of lectures and written books comprise well over 400 volumes
- He inaugurated the Waldorf School Movement, currently the largest non- denominational school movement in the world;
- His indications led to the founding of the Camphill Communities, the largest “villages” for the care of the severely handicapped (f. ex. chidren with Down’s syndrome);
- He inaugurated a new form of organic agriculture called bio-dynamic agriculture;
- He developed an entirely new form of movement called Eurythmy; it is practiced as an art, as well as in a hygienic-therapeutic or pedagogical manner;
- He designed and built as an architect;
- He created sculptures, paintings, theater dramas and gave indications for music and painting;
- He gave guidelines for the transformation of the social order, the so called Threefold Social Principles;
- His insights into science and medicine have led to groundbreaking discoveries.